Me Before You

3:23 pm

I am starting something new, to write a book review every now and then. The reason being, I want to jot down some of my thoughts after reading the books and share with you what I think are worth your time flipping through the pages (if you agree with me of course).

We are all highly occupied by bits and pieces of information nowadays, the habit of scrolling has led to our ever decreasing attention span. I wonder how many of us can actually sit down for hours and still read a book? I certainly can't because I crave for other stuff besides reading to occupy my time. But that doesn't give me the excuse of not reading. My only way to do so is to read during pockets of time I have in a day for example while traveling or before going to bed.

So yeah, I am not an avid reader but if I can take out the time to read.. so can you! :)

Let's talk about the book now...
I read this book before the movie came out and fell in love with it even without the handsome Sam Claflin and gorgeous Emilia Clarke. The book's setting is in a small town in England and I love the countryside feel I get while reading the book. But what I really like about this book is how realistic it seems to me. Romance stories can have many cliches (just looked at the countless Korean drama that earned my rolled eyes) but this book pieced together many dilemmas and struggles of being together with a person. I won't say there isn't any book out there doing a similar job but I do enjoy Moyes' writing very much. It's easy to have a good storyline and write about it. But it's more difficult to write about a simple storyline and draw depth from it. Moyes writes conversations in a way that I wish I can speak like that - funny, engaging, thoughtful and always fighting for something. Seldom do I get the feeling of not knowing which side of the story to side for. Moyes' writing has convinced me even a morally wrong choice has ground to be made and we should never assume and judge the choices of people. Another thing to note, there are many characters in the book besides the two protagonists. They all have their own vices which I love all of them just fine.

Read more about the synopsis here


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